Sunday 26 January 2020

YOU GOT IT WRONG - SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)

The aim of this blog is to highlight persons in the media who tout the chemical imbalance theory as a fact. It's highly unprofessional and misleading to do so and this blog demands that any statements relating to the 'chemical imbalance' myth should either be backed up with supporting evidence or retracted.

Where possible, each person featured on this blog has been contacted via Twitter, email, and/or Facebook and asked to retract their statements or provide supporting evidence.

Once supporting evidence has been shown they will be removed from this blog. Moreover, if they retract their original statements they will also be removed from this blog.

As you will see from these lists, many of the authors are household names and influence those who follow them. This has to stop. The chemical imbalance line was created by the pharmaceutical industry, moreover, Eli Lilly, who launched the first of the SSRIs, Prozac.

Those featured on this list need to do their research.

Bob Fiddaman (Author of the Fiddaman Blog)


SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education)

SAVE was one of the nation’s first organizations dedicated to the prevention of suicide. Their work is based on the foundation and belief that suicide is preventable and everyone has a role to play in preventing suicide. 

Quote: "Depression and depressive illnesses are classified as mood disorders in the medical field, including everything from Major Depression to Dysthymia. They have a number of symptoms that affect people socially, occupationally, educationally, interpersonally, etc. How does one become depressed? Basically, here’s how it works: the nerves in our brain don’t touch each other, but rather pass messages from one to the next through chemicals called neurotransmitters. We need just the right amount of this chemical between the nerves to pass the exact same message to the next nerve. If there isn’t enough of that chemical, the message doesn’t get passed along correctly and in this case, depression or a depressive illness can result. When it comes to depressive disorders the chemicals most frequently out of balance are serotonin and norepinephrine. A person living with depression oftentimes experiences completely different thoughts before and after a depressive episode. This can be a result of a chemical imbalance and can lead to the person not understanding the options available to help them relieve their suffering."

Publication ~ SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of Education) website

Read what the experts say HERE

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